Gaurko saioan gai honetaz bigarren kantu aukera dugu. Historian zehar gizarte guztietan drogak erabili izan dira. Antonio Escohotadok idatzi zuen Historia de las drogas liburu entziklopedikoan aztertu egiten zuen, praxiari begiratuz: “Bizimodua drogarik gabe kirurgia anestesiarik gabe bezala izango litzateke”, hori bezain krudela litzatekeela esan nahian. Gaur entzundakoak:
- Cocaine in my Brain (Dillinger, 1977)
- John Barleycorn (Traffic, 1970)
- The Needle and the Damage Done (Neil Young, 1972)
- Eight Miles High (The Byrds, 1967)
- Mother’s Little Helper (The Rolling Stones, 1966)
- Who Put the Benzedrine In Mrs Murphys Ovaltine (Harry The Hipster Gibson, )
- Cocaine (J.J. Cale, 1976)
- White Rabbit (Jefferson Airplane, 1966)
- Mama Told Me not to Come (Randy Newman, 1970)
- Sam Stone (John Prine, 1971)
- Slow Death (Flamin’ Groovies, 1971)
- Sister Morphine (Rolling Stones, 1971)
- The Needle and the Spoon (Lynrd Skynrd, 1974)
- Red Red Wine (Tony Tribe, 1968)
- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (The Beatles, 1967)
- Mary Jane’s Last Dance (Tom Petty, 1993)
- People Who Died (Jim Carrol, 1980)
- Going up the Country (Canned Heat, 1968)
- Rainy Day Woman (Bob Dylan, 1966)
- The Pusher (Steppenwolf, 1966)
- Tonight’s the Night (Neil Young, 1975)
- Ornithology (Charlie Parker, 1953)
Deskargatu hemen.
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